Adapted from: The Staff Survivors Network, 2005
10. You consider hiring the first peer role in your organization as something more than just a starting point.
9. You think of your peer employees as something less than as one of your colleagues.
8. Your peer employees have pretty much the same job as the rest of your staff, but with a different title.
7. Your most common response when your peer employee speaks is to smile and nod.
6. The statement, “I’m okay with peer roles, but I’d be really uncomfortable if one of my colleagues came out as having a psychiatric diagnosis,” really resonates for you.
5. You don’t understand why the one and only peer employee in your organization thinks of their job as ‘high stress.’
4. Any personal disclosure beyond, “Hi, my name is x and this is my diagnosis. Now I’m recovered!” makes you uneasy.
3. You use the word ’peer’ like it’s just the next PC word for ’client’ or ’consumer.’
2. You view the question, “How do you know what you know,” as a simple request for a bibliography.
1. You think, “Nothing about us without us,” is just another pop song you’ve never heard.