There's a great deal of research 'out there' on peer-to-peer support. Unfortunately, some of it is less than ideal because it starts with a hypothesis that doesn't represent full understanding of what peer-to-peer support is intended to be. It's also worth noting that those that are able to do the research that establishes 'evidence-based' practices are often those with resources, and so many small pockets of greatness are going on that still haven't been recognized. However, regardless of which study is better than the other or who might be getting overlooked in the research process, there is consensus across the board. Peer-to-peer support can make a difference. Below are a number of articles that may be helpful if you are looking for the research that promotes this work. For some, we have on-line links. For others, we just have the information for you to use as a guide in looking for articles yourself. We will add more links as we find them. (Have an article focused on research/evidence that you think we should add? E-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
First, here are a few useful tools if you're in a place to want to demonstrate that peer-to-peer support has been widely accepted as an 'evidence-based practice.':
1. Letter from Medicaid acknowledging that peer support is a 'best practice':
2. SAMHSA Powerpoint acknowledging that peer support is an 'evidence-based practice0:
- Bergeson, S. (n.d.) Cost effectiveness of using peer providers. Retrieved from:
- Bologna, M.J., Pulice, R.T., (2011). Evaluation of a Peer-Run Hospital Diversion Program: A Descriptive Study. American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 14 (4): 272-286.
- Bouchard, L., Montreuil, M., Gros, C. (2010). Peer support among inpatients in an adult mental health setting. Issues in Mental Health Nursing. 31:589-598. DOI: 10.3109/01612841003793049.
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- Campbell, J., Lichtenstein, C., Teague, G., Banks, S., Sonnefeld J., Johnsen, M., Zempolich, K., & COSP Steering Committee. (2004). Consumer-operated services program (COSP) multi-site research initiative: Overview and preliminary findings. Presentation to Alternatives Conference, October 16, 2004.
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- Clarke GN, Herincks HA, Kinney RF. (2000) Psychiatric hospitalizations, arrests, emergency room visits, and homelessness of clients with serious and persistent mental illness: findings from a randomized trial of two ACT programs vs. usual care. Ment Health Serv Res. 2:155–164.
- Cook, J.A., Copeland, M.E., Corey, L., Buffington, E., Jonikas, J.A., Curtis, L.C., Grey, D.D., & Nichols, W.H. (2010). Developing the evidence base for peer-led services: Changes among participants following Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) education in two statewide initiatives. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. 34(2):113-120.
- Cook, J.A., Peer-Delivered Wellness Recovery Services: From Evidence to Widespread Implementation, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, Vol. 35, No. 2, 201.
- Corrigan, P. (2006). Impact of consumer operated services on empowerment & recovery of people with psychiatric disabilities. Psychiatric Services 57(10): 1493-1496.
- Daniels, A., Grant, E., Filson, B., Powell, I., Fricks, L., Goodale, L., (eds), (2010) Pillars of Peer Support: Transforming Mental Health Systems of Care, Through Peer Support Services,; January, 2010.
- Davidson, L, Belamy, C., Guy, K and Miller, R. (2012) Peer support among persons with severe mental illnesses: a review of evidence and experience. World Psychiatry. Jun 2012; 11(2): 123–128.
- Davidson L, Chinman M, Sells D. (2006) Peer support among adults with serious mental illness: a report from the field. Schizophr Bull. 32:443–450.
- Davidson L, Shahar G, Stayner DA. (2004) Supported socialization for people with psychiatric disabilities: lessons from a randomized controlled trial. J Commun Psychol. 32:453–477.
- Davidson L. Living outside mental illness: qualitative studies of recovery in schizophrenia. New York: New York University Press; 2003.
- Davidson L, Stayner DA, Chinman MJ. (2000) Preventing relapse and readmission in psychosis: using patients’ subjective experience in designing clinical interventions. In: Martindale B, editor. Outcome studies in psychological treatments of psychotic conditions. London: Gaskell; pp. 134–156.
- Department of Health (2010b) Putting People First: Planning Together – peer support and self-directed support. London: Department of Health.
- Dixon, L., Krauss, N. & Lehman, A. (1994). Consumers as service providers: The promise and challenge. Community Mental Health Journal, 30(6), 615-634.
- Eiken, S., & Campbell, J. (2008). Medicaid coverage of peer support for people with mental illness: Available research and state examples. Thomson Reuters Healthcare.
- Faulkner, A. & Basset, T (2010) A Helping Hand: Consultations with Service Users about Peer Support. London: Together/University of Nottingham/NSUN.
- Felton CJ, Stastny P, Shern D. (1995) Consumers as peer specialists on intensive case management teams: impact on client outcomes. Psychiatr Serv. 46:1037–1044.
- Gillard, S.G., Edwards, C., Gibson, S.L., Owen, K, & Wright, C. (2013). Introducing peer worker roles in UK mental health service teams: A qualitative analysis of the organizational benefits and challenges. BMC Health Services Research, 13 (188). DOI:
- Greenfield, T.K., Stoneking, B.C., Humphreys, K., Sundby, E., & Bond, J. (2008). A randomized trial of mental health consumer-managed alternatives to civil commitment for acute psychiatric crisis. American Journal of Community Psychology, 41(1):135-144.
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